The ways to track China post and EMS express.
The number rules of international parcels are formed of 2 digital+9 numbers+2 digital, this kind of numbers can be tracked part of logistics information on the official website of China post or EMS. While in destination country, you can track another part of parcel information. Here will offer several tracking websites, if you can't track in a website you can track in others:
1.Trackingmore (an internationl parcel tracking website) providing the sender and destination country's logistics information at the same time)
2.China post official website
3.EMS official tracking website you can see the logistic information both in English and Chinese)
4. EMS internal tracking website Xiamen Branch of the EMS, it will provide more detail information of your parecl)
5. International package tracking
difference in nember rules
EMS:(*represent digital)
A# *** *** *** CN B# *** *** *** CN E# *** *** *** CN F# *** *** *** CN
L# *** *** *** CN CT *** *** *** CN CX *** *** *** CN CY *** *** *** CN
E# *** *** *** CS *** *** *** *** * A *** *** *** *** KA *** *** *** *
TC *** *** *** HB BE *** *** *** DE BE *** *** *** US BE *** *** ***JP
China post:
C# *** *** *** CN P# *** *** *** CN R## *** *** ** CN R# *** *** *** CN
S# *** *** *** CN V# *** *** *** CN LF *** *** ***CN *** *** *** *** *
XA *** *** *** ** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** XA *** *** *** ***
XA *** *** *** *** *